ISS Ltd – Interview Prep Series: Interview Dress Code

Dress for success – it’s an age-old adage that holds true, especially when stepping into an interview. Within those critical first moments, your attire speaks volumes before a single word is exchanged.   When navigating the interview wardrobe maze, consider the company culture. A tech startup may appreciate smart casual, while corporate giants expect formal…

Has Covid given the final death nail to suits for business attire?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a lasting effect on the way we work. As companies around the world have adopted remote working, the business attire we were once accustomed to has changed drastically. The days of wearing a suit and tie to the office are slowly fading away, with more employers and employees favouring more…

We Need to Speed Up the Recruitment Process

The recruitment process is a challenging one; it can be extremely draining on your resources, energy, and time. The longer the process takes, the more it costs the company, as well as makes the process more frustrating for everyone involved.   When it comes to the recruitment process, time is of the essence. Having a…

In-Person Candidate Meetings

Businesses have learned the hard way that hiring the wrong person for the job can be extremely costly. An oft-cited 2012 study by the Centre for American Progress found that it costs businesses about one-fifth of a worker’s salary to replace the person who leaves. Those in positions requiring higher education and training are even…