Selling is the art of convincing someone they need something for a problem they didn’t even know they had.
Well that’s the Theory and I am increasingly seeing the latest generation of Sales people completely forget this Universal Truth.
Selling is to create Demand!!!!!!!
In over 7 Years of Sales Recruitment, I am increasingly seeing a new trend emerge in the culture of Selling. The Consultative Sell
Apart from being Management jargon for listening to want your clients concerns are; I am dumbfounding what all the fuss is about.
If you are selling a specific product or solution its options may be profoundly limited
I.E. It does what is says on the tin; their isn’t really much more to say.
This is where I have developed a few leading questions in my Interview Process and mark my word I have heard all the answers before.
All Sales candidates at ISS Ltd are asked to take part in a simple Sales Scenario and the results have given use a great in-sight into whether you are a Sales Person or an Order Taker.
If you would like to discuss what ISS Ltd can bring to your Talent Acquisition call today on 00353 (0) 98 238 00 and we will be happy to give you a Non Consultative Sales Pitch as to why you need to use ISS Ltd for your Sales Recruitment.
Patrick Fitzmaurice
Sales Recruitment Director ISS Ltd
Office: 00353 (0) 98 238 00