At ISS Ltd I often place people in career moves that improve their Management Prospects and Salary (Average Increase of 15%); but the single most important advice I give is how to resign.
With a total population of over 6.5 million people on the Island of Ireland everyone really does know everyone else. So when you are resigning it can feel like a family splitting up.
Always resign in person, it is not only professional BUT it is ALSO the right thing to do.
I appreciate this can be an unconformable conversation but the best way to approach anything that puts you out of your comfort zone is to do it straight away, first meeting of the day.
A hand written or printed letter in an envelope makes it formal, but what you say will show your real class.
At ISS Ltd we have developed a resignation process which can be tailored to your needs and we offer advise throughout this difficult time.
If you would like to discuss any live roles I am working on please feel free to get in contact.
Patrick Fitzmaurice
HR & Recruitment Director ISS Ltd
Mobile: 00353 (0) 87 25 35 247
Independent Search Solutions Ltd