ISS Ltd – Interview Prep Series: Interview Dress Code

Dress for success – it’s an age-old adage that holds true, especially when stepping into an interview. Within those critical first moments, your attire speaks volumes before a single word is exchanged.   When navigating the interview wardrobe maze, consider the company culture. A tech startup may appreciate smart casual, while corporate giants expect formal…

ISS Ltd – Interview Prep Series: The Money Question

Navigating the waters of interview etiquette can be tricky, especially when the tide turns to discussions about money. Just this week, I dove into a conversation about whether it’s appropriate to address salary expectations early in the interview process. Here’s what I learned:   Keep the focus on value. Interviewers respect candidates who emphasize the…

ISS Ltd – Interview Prep Series: First Impressions

Ever wondered about the power of first impressions in an interview setting? It’s phenomenal.   Within seconds of meeting, we unconsciously judge and are judged. This instant assessment might seem daunting, but it’s also an incredible opportunity. Let me share a recent experience that really drove this home.   I walked into a room to…

What 15 Years of Sales Recruitment has taught me about Salespeople

As a recruiter with 15 years of experience in the sales recruitment sector, I have learnt a tremendous amount about what makes a great salesperson.   I have meet with, interviewed, placed, and built long standing friendships with Salespeople who have sold in every industry imaginable. And it is fair to say that I have…

We Need to Speed Up the Recruitment Process

The recruitment process is a challenging one; it can be extremely draining on your resources, energy, and time. The longer the process takes, the more it costs the company, as well as makes the process more frustrating for everyone involved.   When it comes to the recruitment process, time is of the essence. Having a…

How the Medical Device Industry is changing Ireland’s Economy

Continual development and innovation in medical devices is crucial to ensuring the quality of life in Ireland and around the world. Medical devices enable healthcare professionals to detect diseases earlier, and diagnoses, treatment and patient monitoring are relentlessly improved. Breakthroughs and refinements in medical device technology have also been crucial for reducing healthcare costs at…

In-Person Candidate Meetings

Businesses have learned the hard way that hiring the wrong person for the job can be extremely costly. An oft-cited 2012 study by the Centre for American Progress found that it costs businesses about one-fifth of a worker’s salary to replace the person who leaves. Those in positions requiring higher education and training are even…

ISS Ltd – Esprit de corps and Talent Acquisition

If 14 years in recruitment has taught me anything no one changes job for less money, and everyone changes job because of their current boss / team.   How much any factor plays in your decision to move is always specific to you; but if you have been recruiting as long as me you start…

The Long Wait…………. Interview Feedback?

Why does it take so long to get feedback during the Recruitment Process? It is probably not what you think.   I have personally recruited 1000’s of Jobs for companies and the same issues around getting feedback always coming up.   Whether you are applying to be CEO or Laboratory Technician her is the top…