When I set up ISS Ltd in Belfast on April 2010, I was 29 Years Old, I had just lost my job in Dublin and the Unemployment Rate was 16%.
Today it is 17% and I would still bet on Ireland every time.
We are a resilient people and we do not take challenges lying down. Some would even say we are obstinate but through War and Famine we have always survived and thrived.
So if you are worried about your Job, your Company, the Health of the Economy, just remind your-self that we are all in this together; and this pandemic will pass and we will all come out of this much better on the other side.
We at ISS Ltd would like to extend our deepest thanks to everyone on the front-line services that is battling Covid-19.
To another 10 Years of placing the best talent in the best jobs.
Patrick Fitzmaurice
HR & Recruitment Director ISS Ltd
Mobile: 00353 (0) 87 25 35 247
Independent Search Solutions Ltd