If 14 years in recruitment has taught me anything no one changes job for less money, and everyone changes job because of their current boss / team.
How much any factor plays in your decision to move is always specific to you; but if you have been recruiting as long as me you start to see trends develop.
People hire people, this will never change; your ability to connect with and demonstrate your value will always get you the job over the next person.
At ISS Ltd I have been through a few booms and busts in the economy and the supply and demand for talent ebbs and flows, currently we are very much in a candidate driven market. Global demand for healthcare workers and STEM qualified talent has never been higher and companies need to up their game to retain and hire these people.
What does Esprit de corps mean for Talent Acquisition?
If you want to hire top talent you need to demonstrate to them not only, do you have an organisational culture that you are proud off, but you are willing to take the time to sell your company and people to them.
Tips for HR:
- Zoom / MS Teams needs to be used only for screening talent and not hiring
- Face to face meetings is essential for final round interviewing (subject to covid restrictions)
- The direct supervisor for the role as well as senior leadership need to be sitting in on final round interviews
- A tour of the office / facility is a must; allow the candidate to meet other people in the business, if you have a canteen sit them down for lunch / coffee
- Share relevant promotional / marketing literature with the candidate
- Explain the Org. Chart of the Team the candidate is joining, who do they report to, who reports to them
- Career progression opportunities (time frame), salary reviews (annually), bonus payments (annual, monthly?), paid annual leave (specific policies), Pension, Health Insurance, and other benefits all need to be fully explained during the recruiting process
- Don’t be afraid to have the difficult conversation; real challenges and demands of the position will motivate great talent and your upfront approach will be respected
If you are using a good recruitment agency, they should be taking up the slack in many of these areas but you need to brief them so they can brief the talent as they come through the pipeline.
I am interested to hear your perspective please feel free to comment below.
Patrick Fitzmaurice
HR & Recruitment Director ISS Ltd
Mobile: 00353 (0) 87 25 35 247
Independent Search Solutions Ltd